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MetaLovil is an open-world P2E metaverse game that aims to provide a fully decentralized metaverse experience on the BSC. The game allows users to earn money while enjoying the metaverse. Let's unite and build the Utopia of the Metaverse. In MetaLovil, as well as being able to own exclusive private land, players can also collect materials from nodes in nature at any time to make the items they need to survive. With the introduction of a new economic system and in-game currency, players can earn the LOVIL token and own real assets, which comes with the benefit of allowing all landowners the right to vote on how cities and guilds are managed in the MetaLovil world. In addition, players can meet different friends, use various unique in-game skills to play, win and contribute to the beautiful and vast landscapes that can be found in the world. All this is possible thanks to our exclusive creation, the voxel mechanism. That much of our developer's time has been invested in perfecting every aspect of this mechanism. More details will be available on this later, but for now we'd like to show you first what scenarios can be found in the world of MetaLovil. MetaLovil is a combination of western and fantasy themes, complemented by the romantic atmosphere of the eastern side of the world. It is made up of vast deserts and wilderness areas, jungles and tropical areas, savannahs, lava fields, ancient civilizations, floating continents and much more. All in all, MetaLovil has several different zones where players can take advantage of the exclusive features available in each one. An important goal we set out to achieve in this project is that no matter how much players explore the vast world, we want to create a sense that more is waiting on the horizon. Along with beautiful scenery that our player base can never get enough of.
Licença Creative Commons
Pousada Nerd criado por Marcos Mariano está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional
Baseado no trabalho disponível em https://www.pousadanerd.com/