StormGain Beats Any Bank By Letting Users Earn Up To 8% Interest Rate

StormGain is excited to introduce a new way for crypto investors to boost their passive income. StormGain’s rates beat any bank, and users can expect an interest rate of 8%, providing an opportune incentive to put idle assets to work.

Many cryptocurrency owners have no interest in trading and hold digital assets until the price increases significantly. That approach can work wonders during bullish market conditions but becomes far less reliable during a bear market. StormGain now offers a way for users to tap into a passive revenue stream regardless of crypto market conditions through its new interested-bearing solution.

StormGain Beats Any Bank By Letting Users Earn Up To 8% Interest Rate
StormGain Beats Any Bank By Letting Users Earn Up To 8% Interest Rate

Through StormGain’s staking solutions, users can put idle assets to work without friction. The moment users put their assets to work, they will begin accruing interest of up to 8% per annum. In addition, Stormgain has daily payouts, enabling users instant access to their earned interest.

All yields are paid out to the user’s StormGain account, ensuring users earn interest on their earnings. A compounding of daily payouts will allow users to see bigger daily payouts trickly in over time.

In addition, StormGain will not charge hidden fees or commissions for adding, withdrawing, or holding funds. Users can withdraw their funds at any time without losing accrued interest.

StormGain Staking provides one of the highest market interest rates on supported cryptocurrencies. In addition, users do not need to undertake complex actions to put their assets to work, as one can do everything through the mobile application. The process is purposefully made effortless to onboard millions of users to cryptocurrency and unlock the power of compounding daily payouts.

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The StormGain Staking solution supports nearly a dozen assets, including BTC, Dash, XRP, DAI, USDC, and USDT. Stablecoins, like DAI, USDT, and USDC, have the highest APY of 8%, with LTC, BCH, ETH, XRP, ZEC, XLM, and DASH offering a 4% APY. Users who put their Bitcoin to work can expect a 3% APY, which is still far superior to keeping funds in a bank account.

About StormGain

StormGain is a crypto trading platform for everyone, taking the complexity out of trading to allow clients to trade, exchange and buy cryptocurrency. With over 120,000 clients in 100+ countries, the brand’s top-quality service has been recognised with numerous prestigious industry awards, most recently the coveted ‘Cryptocurrency Trading and Exchange Platform of the Year 2020′ award from The European Magazine.

Media contact:

Company: StormGain

Email: [email protected]

Marcos Mariano
Marcos Mariano

Tenho 30 anos e sou apaixonado por jogos, animes, tecnologia, criptomoedas e literatura. Atualmente estudo Marketing Estratégico Digital e mato meu tempo escrevendo qualquer coisa que passe pela minha cabeça.

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