Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru (2022)

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The story follows Wakana Gojou, a lonely young man who hides his love for traditional Japanese porcelain dolls because he was bullied in the past.

One day he ends up getting involved with Marin Kitagawa, one of the most popular girls at his school, and discovers that she is a cosplayer. Marin notices Gojou’s great skills in making clothes and accessories and asks him to create the most different looks for her to wear to anime events.

Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru (2022)
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru (2022)

When we finish watching an anime that we really like, there is always the question of what to watch next. Here I will leave our list of anime for after finishing this beautiful work of art. I hope this list of similar anime helps you in your search for what to watch.

Marcos Mariano

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Marcos Mariano
Marcos Mariano

Tenho 30 anos e sou apaixonado por jogos, animes, tecnologia, criptomoedas e literatura. Atualmente estudo Marketing Estratégico Digital e mato meu tempo escrevendo qualquer coisa que passe pela minha cabeça.

Articles: 5132
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