I Am Number Four (2011)

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John Smith appears to be an ordinary teenager, but he is actually an alien from the planet Lorien among nine who are living as humans on Earth. Your goal is to hide from the Mogadorians, enemies who you have to eliminate in the correct sequence. To do this, he constantly changes his identity and city with the help of his guardian, Henri. With numbers One, Two and Three murdered, John is the next to be chased, but he finds a reason to stop running.

I Am Number Four (2011)
I Am Number Four (2011)

When we finish watching a movie that we really like, there is always that doubt about what to watch next. Here I will leave our list of similar movies to watch after finishing this beautiful work of art. I hope this list of movies helps you in your search for what to watch.

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Marcos Mariano

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Marcos Mariano
Marcos Mariano

Tenho 30 anos e sou apaixonado por jogos, animes, tecnologia, criptomoedas e literatura. Atualmente estudo Marketing Estratégico Digital e mato meu tempo escrevendo qualquer coisa que passe pela minha cabeça.

Articles: 5132
Licença Creative Commons
Pousada Nerd criado por Marcos Mariano está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional
Baseado no trabalho disponível em https://www.pousadanerd.com/