Zuki Moba

Zuki Moba
The game is built on the traditional Japanese snowball game (Yukigassen), which is famous throughout the gaming world for its attractive nature of sports, fun, competition and compelling online battle and could develop into a global e-sport game.


MetaBirds is an addictive multiplayer bird racing game that lets you earn cryptocurrency while you play! Tap to fly and aim for the top of our world leaderboard. MetaBirds is an innovative and easy-to-play social game. Through daily missions, you will be rewarded with ERC20 tokens that can be exchanged for ETH. Metabirds short story The metaverse has been corrupted by an alliance of humans called the Legions and is being used for evil. The birds are enslaved and have to run for human entertainment and profit. They are forced to put their lives at risk for a chance at freedom in a race.
Licença Creative Commons
Pousada Nerd criado por Marcos Mariano está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional
Baseado no trabalho disponível em https://www.pousadanerd.com/