A Returner’s Magic Should be Special

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“Now that I’m back, I won’t let those I love die again!” The Dark Labyrinth – The deadliest catastrophe known to mankind. Desir Arman, one of the six survivors of the human race, is inside the labyrinth. The six manage to complete the last level of the maze, but they fail at the end and the world comes to an end. However, just when Desir thought he would meet his death, what appears before his eyes is the world… Thirty years ago? Desir is sent back in time to when he enrolled at the best magical academy in the nation, Havrion. He is reunited with his precious friends and is determined to change the past and save those he holds dear…! Three years until the emergence of the World of Shadows! Change the past and gather powerful companions to save humanity!

A Returner's Magic Should be Special
A Returner’s Magic Should be Special

When we finish reading a webtoon that we like a lot, there is always that doubt about what to read next. Here I will leave our list of Webtoons to read after finishing this beautiful work of art. I hope this list of similar webtoons helps you in your search for what to read.

Marcos Mariano

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Marcos Mariano
Marcos Mariano

Tenho 30 anos e sou apaixonado por jogos, animes, tecnologia, criptomoedas e literatura. Atualmente estudo Marketing Estratégico Digital e mato meu tempo escrevendo qualquer coisa que passe pela minha cabeça.

Articles: 5148
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Pousada Nerd criado por Marcos Mariano está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional
Baseado no trabalho disponível em https://www.pousadanerd.com/