More Spoilers from One Piece Chapter 1090: “Admiral Kizaru”

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The long-awaited reveal of One Piece chapter 1090, titled “Admiral Kizaru,” brought a series of exciting events and twists that will leave fans eager for the next development in the story. Let’s check out the main spoilers of this chapter in an organized list:

All Spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1090: "Admiral Kizaru"
All Spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1090: “Admiral Kizaru”
  1. Lucci and Kaku’s conversation: The chapter begins with an intriguing dialog between Rob Lucci and Kaku. Lucci is seen talking to himself, and Kaku questions him about what he is saying. Lucci replies that he was just talking to himself.
  2. Lucci sends information to Kizaru: Lucci shares crucial information with Admiral Kizaru about the happenings inside the dome. This exchange of information demonstrates Lucci’s cunning.
  3. Saturn and Kizaru discuss strategy: Saturn, a mysterious character, approaches Kizaru about the possibility of using his light speed to enter the dome. However, Kizaru warns that the dome’s guardian, Sentomaru, is his friend and that attacking him would result in a violent response from the sea creatures.
  4. Saturn reveals protection plans: Saturn highlights the importance of protecting three vital elements: the VegaPunk Records, York and the power plant that creates Mother Flame.
  5. Fates of known characters: Shakky and Pythagoras are reported to be deceased, while Edison and Atlas are still alive. The damage to the Seraphim is minimal.
  6. Status of Robin and Kakú: Robin and Kakú are injured, with Kakú lying on his back due to his injuries. Lucci instructs Kakú to rest, while Chopper tends to Robin, who thanks the crew doctor.
  7. Lucci watches Stussy: Lucci is caught staring at Stussy, and she scolds him when she notices. This interaction raises many questions about their motivations and relationship.
  8. Luffy negotiates with the Gorosei: Luffy engages in a negotiation with the Gorosei, leaders of the World Government. He proposes that they leave the island with their ships in exchange for York’s life. During the conversation, the Gorosei ask Luffy an intriguing question.
  9. Robin and Usopp’s reactions: Robin is furious at Luffy’s bluntness in responding to the Gorosei, considering that negotiation requires more subtlety. Usopp also criticizes Luffy’s impulsive attitude.
  10. Vivi and Wapol overhear the conversation: Vivi and Wapol overhear the conversation between Luffy and the Gorosei through Morgans. They witness Luffy declare his ambition to become the Pirate King.
  11. Vegapunk offers escape solution: Vegapunk presents a possible escape route using the Vegaforce, pointing out that the Sunny ship is already nearby. He is also trying to crack the password set by York.
  12. Reunion on the ship: Luffy, Bonney, Franky and Punk 02 arrive at the ship, which is next to the Vegaforce. This meeting marks a crucial moment for the crew.
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These spoilers provoke a series of questions and expectations for the development of the plot. With surprising revelations and exciting twists and turns, fans are certainly eager to see how these events will unfold in the next chapters of One Piece. The saga continues to hold readers’ attention, with the fate of York and the impending confrontation with the forces of the World Government at the center of the narrative. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Source: OP_SPOILERS2023

Marcos Mariano
Marcos Mariano

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